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Corporate Social Responsibility

For Möller & Böttger Corporate Social Responsibility is the continuing commitment to behave ethicallyand contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of the workforce and theier families as well as of local community and society at large. We are committed to this in many different ways.


Möller & Böttger supports social projects, mostly thanks to the personal commitment of its own employees. Möller & Böttger also has a long and solid partnership with the German charity organisation SOS-Kinderdorf e.V.


Our major goals are elimination of waste and emissions, maximizing energy efficiency and productivity and minimizing practices that may adversely affect utilization of natural resources by coming generations. We belive that decrease in energy and raw material usage combined with reduced emissions and waste generation can tackle the environmental challenges facing the world. Möller & Böttger conserves resources and takes measures against global warming by means of innovative products and sustainable company standards. Möller & Böttger is constantly working on reducing its use of resources in an efficient and sustainable manner, in all offices are separate bins for rubbish. Furterhmore to cut down on business travel, video conferencing systems are available. We also try to make our purchasing as sustainable and local as possible. Wherever possible, we work according to the “farm to fork” principle by checking local availability for each product group and purchasing as locally as possible in line with the “farm to fork” strategy. 


All employees are different, everyone has their own needs. Möller & Böttger responds to this in a variety of ways. The company offers employees the opportunity to take part in training courses and to continue their education beyond that. Maximum transparency and diverse opportunities for participation are an important basis for motivating employees. In order to further increase identification with the company, Möller & Böttger offers its employees certain additional services. After all, Möller & Böttger attaches great importance to the health and well-being of its employees.


Möller & Böttger upholds ethical principles by ensuring its suppliers adhere to certain standards like observance of human rights, labor standards or environmental protection right from the start of the request process. In our Code of Conduct we have described the principles of sustainable behavior in a binding manner.